The Seething World of Jizi's Paintings
- As viewed on a Macintosh Computer in a Manhattan Apartment on Riverside Drive.
Arthur C. Danto
As a general rule, I do not review an exhibition based on photographs of the works on view. I was once asked to write about a show of the great Venetian masters, Paulo Veronese, which was to be installed in our National Gallery in Washington. But the magazine wanted the review to appear when the show was up, which would mean that I would have to review paintings that were not even in the country yet. The editor said that they could give me transparencies of everything, and I could work from those. Months after I wrote the review, I went to the opening of the show. I realized the moment I entered that I would have written very differently, had I done so on the basis of the paintings rather than their photographic reproductions. I would have written about the glory of the paint, of which the photographs could have given me no idea. Veronese was obsessed with the gorgeousness of life, beginning with the flesh and skin and hair of beautiful women. My review was quite different. Years later, I read a letter by John Ruskin to his father, in which he describes how a painting by Veronese in the Municipal Museum in Turin changed his entire view of God and the universe.
But all I know of the paintings of Jizi are what I have seen on the screen of my laptop. Some of Jizi's paintings are somewhat in the traditional style of Chinese ink landscape, but they do not look like the quiet meditative scrolls I have seen in the Metropolitan Museum's collections, where small figures are depicted standing by rivers and even by waterfalls, in clearings in dark forests of pine trees, with clouds and perhaps patches of mist. By sheer coincidence, I started to write this on the anniversary of the great earthquake in Sichuan Province last year. I wondered if those who built those devastated villages were reassured by those beautiful paintings of the beneficence of the ground under their feet. Let's build our homes here in this quiet landscape, amid soaring peaks and waters falling through groves of evergreens! One wonders if they ever thought of the landscapes they were surrounded by as capable of shaking, opening up like the jaws of giant serpents, swallowing children they shook like apples out of trees, causing them to tumble into darkness.
Jizi's hills seeth and tremble like troubled waters. One feels that mighty dragons lie in troubled sleep. When they do wake up, and stand on their heavy legs, the ground above them will split, and chasms will open up. Art betrayed the people who built those villages, seeing nature as calm and reassuring, scenes to write poems in, or philosophical disquisitions on the goodness of the Tao. In Jizi's paintings it is as if the winds lash the grasses as they howl. The grasses hold onto their place by roots that run deep into the rocky soil. There is no ultimate difference between grounds and water, sea and soil. The whole world is hostile to our dreams of peace and poetry.
I began to open up, one at a time, the little windows in which attachments to a text are found. It is a slow, and for me, a somewhat tedious process, but, when the attachments are images, there is often a surprise behind them. I had not anticipated the shift from landscapes to what a crude sensibility would call "abstractions." My sense is that these have the same feeling of wildness and almost savagery that the landscapes have. In a way, I felt that these show what lies underground, what, if we were to dig deeply into the earth, we would discover, like caves and chasms. Or what we might see if we were to crack open a geode, and discover a little world, no less savage than the landscapes insinuate.
I began to think, as I opened window after window, of a famous poem by a nineteenth century visionary poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge. It must exist in a Chinese translation. Its title is Kubla Khan, and its subtitle is: A Vision in a Dream; a Fragment. Coleridge had this dream as the result of smoking opium. It is a fragment, because he was awakened by a visitor, knocking at the door. It tore him from his dream. Here are the first few lines:
In Xanadu
Did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure dome decree,
Where Alph the sacred river ran,
In Caverns measureless to Man,
Down to a sunless sea,
The poem then describes the great gardens, "with forests ancient as the hills, Enfolding sunny spot of greenery. But then, as if we were tracking the great underground river, running through caves, where rocks fly through the air - "Huge fragments vaulted."
Jizi's landscapes remind me of the wildness of Coleridge's description of seething water, vast rocky domes, fragments of dislocated stone, dancing and crashing into the underground sea.
I have to wonder whether this impression of dreams and fragments, rocks and waters, would survive, were I to see these works, or is this just an illusion due to electronic transmission, and the actual touch and brush of the paintings actually a convey a whole different world?
(Arthur C. Danto is famous American philosopher and critic of art, Emeritus Professor of Columbia University, his books After the End of Art and The Abuse of Beauty, etc. are acclaimed highly worldwide.)
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