Ink Paintings: Existence and Transcendence
--A Review of Jizi's Art(three )
3. Progressive Levels of Transcendental Paintings
Due to the fact that the theory of Chinese painting most definitely does not take the ability to paint as the measure of a painting's value, but rather evaluates a painting by the level of its spiritual meaning, so for this reason the theory of realms, that is the realm a painting attains, is a special feature of Chinese art theory. The contemporary artist and critic Mr. Zong Baihua (1897-1986), when discussing realms in Chinese painting, has said: "Why are Chinese artists not satisfied with purely objective, mechanical drawings? Because the realm of Chinese painting is not a single plane of natural reproduction but rather the creation of realms of painting, with each realm having a deeper level. In all, there are three levels: the drawing of an object as directly perceived through the visual sense; the conveying of the dynamism of life; and the revealing of the highest spiritual realm." (Zong Baihua "The Birth of Realms in the Visual Arts")
In summarizing his own artistic process, Mr. Jizi divided his creativity into three progressive genres: continuation, rebirth, and pioneering. By the continuation genre, Jizi means that, on the basis of continuing traditional painting, and by means of deeply investigating life in order to make progress in sketching, while at the same time consulting the works of contemporary artists of merit, he obtained a profound understanding of painting, and gradually formed his own brush and ink style. Using a familiar adage to sum this up, we can say that Jizi: "continued the traditional but was not confined by tradition, deeply investigated life to blend the strong points of different artists, and so formed his own style." What Jizi was seeking in this genre was to use his own skills with brush and ink to express real mountains and real streams, that is the mountains and the scenes that one sees with one's eyes. These belong to the category of scenery that one already sees physically and emotionally, and the basic spirit is Realism.
By the rebirth genre, Jizi means using principally his own sentiments in order to create an expressive realm that surpasses Realism. In order to achieve this goal, Jizi had to break through the techniques of previous artists, and proceed to explore and create the breaking of new artistic ground. His creative spirit in this genre was, in the words of Shi Tao: "from the depths of my heart, using my own abilities, I will decide how to use the brush and how to apply the ink." What Jizi was seeking in this genre was not a pure, objective reproduction but rather the ability to paint a creative realm of "the mountains and scenes in one's mind" that belong to the category known as "having one's mind set in a profound artistic mood." In this genre, the artist's individuality is particularly distinctive and the basic spirit is Romanticism. While this genre is close in several aspects to Expressionism, it still remains in the category of conventional, rational painting.
By the pioneering genre, Jizi means that conceptually he wanted to go beyond the physical realm that simply shows images, and advance to the metaphysical realm. In this genre, the artist wants his creations to express the universal spirit of the Tao that "is beyond the image, but obtained from what the Tao encompasses." To accomplish this, the artist collects all the images - the abstract, the concrete, and the mental - and gives them a macro realization that has a unified, music like effect. In order to obtain this goal, the artist must proceed with a full range of exploration and creation from thought to framework, from technique to expression, and other such aspects of painting. The creative spirit in this genre is described variously as: "a pure mind glimpsing the Tao," "a pure mind getting the sense of an object," "using the Tao to discuss art, and using art to embody the Tao; and seeking method and image from the Tao." What the artist is seeking in this genre is to transcend just showing the features of mountains and streams in order to realize the materialization of the "realm of Tao," that is to paint "mountains and scenes in the Tao."
For several decades Mr. Jizi persevered in his explorations. In the early years, he called his own little corner of the world such names as "The Bitter Blue Studio," and "The Studio for Chanting in the Withering Cold," and hence we realize just how difficult it was for him in the beginning. It was just in this bitter cold period that he assiduously studied previous artists, establishing a solid foundation in traditional painting. From the end of the 1960's, he began to explore his own style. He worked during the day while at night he calmed his mind in order to delve into art, but it was a difficult time nonetheless. At the beginning of the 1970's, he started from personal experience and called his corner of the world "The Not Easy Studio." It was just in these difficult circumstances that his explorations took shape as ink and brush landscapes painted in his own style. He continued his own style creating his manifestations of the frozen ice and fluttering snows of the North Country, the biting cold and tragic majesty of the Yan Mountain ice and snow landscapes. At the end of the 1980's, following the impact of the rise of business in China, one by one artists began to engage in business, but Jizi continued to abide by the ancient Taoist precepts of "extreme emptiness and guarded quietude" (i.e. remaining unperturbed by what others do and concentrating instead on quietly honing a skill).
At this time, Jizi changed his studio name to "The Determined Studio," and continued his profound exploration. These explorations finalized in the experimental paintings that became the artistic expression known as the "Tao of Ink Landscapes." The dictum for Jizi's "The Not Easy Studio" was: "It is not easy for those who know the difficulties, but there are many who, because they know the difficulties, lower their expectations. It is thus especially not easy to know the difficulties but still not lower one's expectations." Thus for one who does not lower his expectations but instead makes them definite, then such a person is really noble, and this nobility represented that profound spiritual essence necessary to advance Jizi's art.
In a comprehensive view of the course of his art and his artworks, we see that the artistic realm that Jizi was seeking in his brush and ink landscapes belonged to the same category as the works of the contemporary artists Qian Songyan and Song Wenzhi (mentioned above). The originality of Jizi's snow and ice landscapes is that he understood the weak points of classical landscape painting in displaying snowy mountains and frozen peaks, and hence created such special techniques as the rough, choppy, slanting, and hollow brush methods for showing the textures of snow and ice. These two kinds of artworks, Jizi's brush and ink landscapes and his snow and ice landscapes, however, formed a solid foundation for Jizi to proceed to explore his "Tao of Ink Landscapes." Because his "Tao of Ink Landscapes" were not just an extension of his brush and ink landscapes, but in particular were the expressive techniques he used in the snow and ice landscapes, they incorporated inner elements that made for unique modeling, and captured the snow and ice landscapes' emphasis on expressing the artist's heartfelt sentiments. By means of expanding his thinking and restructuring and modifying the configuration of the paintings, moreover, Jizi sought to reproduce a painting that surpassed merely showing an image.
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